Members/Supporters of WEG
Can you help a Work Party for an hour on Monday?
The Churchyard at Great Wilbraham is an important space in the village for Nature and biodiversity. The churchyard last year was recognised with an award for its work to help Nature.
This year, large areas amongst the old graves were deliberately left alone to encourage wildflowers and grasses to grow – very successfully!
Now all that growth has to be cut down and removed so that the land is not enriched by the dead material – the flowers need impoverished soil to flourish.
The cutting is done – but the “hay” now needs to be raked up and piled in a corner of the churchyard.
If you can help, please come along at 5pm on Monday, If you can bring a rake or a wheelbarrow, so much the better! Any QQs ring Nick Toovey 07594 601205