LW and SMB Parish Council Meeting 20th September 2017


64/17-18: Open Forum


65/17-18: Apologies for Absence


66/17-18: Declarations of interest


67/17-18: To consider Planning Application S/2926/17/FL 55 High Street, Little Wilbraham, CB21 5JY


68/17-18 Councillor Vacancy


69/17-18: Local Highways Initiative bid


70/17-18: Litter bin for recreation ground


71/17-18: Withdrawal of Bus route number 18


72/17-18: Financial regulations update


73/17-18: Six Mile Bottom war memorial cleaning


74/17-18: Cycling update


75/17-18: Finance


76/17-18: Manor close parking


77/17-18: Maintenance of church yards LW and SMB


78/17-18: Report on signs for BMX track


79/17-18: S106 Outside space money for SMB Social Club


80/17-18Items for next meeting


81/17-18: DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 15th November in St John’s church Little Wilbraham

Hayley Livermore

Parish Clerk

Meeting Details

Location: Little Wilbraham church
Date: 20170920