LW and SMB Parish Council Meeting 12th July 2017

The following Meeting has been called for the Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom Parish Council to be held at St John’s Church, Little Wilbraham at 7.30pm on Wednesday 12th July 2017


35/17-18: Open Forum

36/17-18: Apologies for Absence

37/17-18: Declarations of interest

38/17-18: District Councillor report

39/17-18: County Councillor report

40/17-18: To approve the minutes of 10th May 17 and 21st June 17

41/17-18: To consider Planning applications S/2353/17/FL and S/2354/17/LB

 New window to the existing extension to the side elevation facing garden.

Primrose Farm, Primrose Farm Road, Little Wilbraham, Cambridge, CB21 5JZ

42/17-18 Councillor Vacancy

43/17-18: Update on Grass cutting

44/17-18: Update on adoption of Phone Box

45/17-18: Six Mile Bottom sports and social club application for grant

46/17-18: Six Mile Bottom Audit

47/17-18: Local Highways Initiative bid

48/17-18: Dog fouling signs

49/17-18: Financial risk assessment

50/17-18: Finance

51/17-18: Clerk wages 2017-18

52/17-18: Asset Register review

53/17-18: Report on signs for BMX track/removal of track

54/17-18: Parking Manor Close

55/17-18: Items for next meeting

53/17-18: DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th September 17

Hayley Livermore

Parish Clerk


Meeting Details

Location: St John’s Church, Little Wilbraham
Date: 20170712