Great Wilbraham Parish Council Meeting 15th July 2021
Due to the COVID rules & restrictions, unfortunately, this meeting is limited to 30 attendees and entry will be controlled strictly. We are aware that 16 people will be in attendance, which will leave 14 places for ‘unreserved attendees’. We will ask unreserved attendees to wait outside the hall until the start of the meeting to ensure the admittance of the correct number of people is controlled. If you have any questions, please contact the clerk on
Please find below the COVID-19 safety rules for attending Great Wilbraham Parish Council meetings during the current restrictions.
- No more than 30 people will be allowed to attend.
- Furniture will be arranged as far as possible to facilitate social distancing of 2m with mitigation measures such as: seating side by side, with at least one empty chair space between each person.
- The premises will be well ventilated with windows and doors open.
- Please maintain a 2m social distance while waiting to enter the premises and observe the one-way system within the premises. As far as possible observe a social distancing of 1m plus mitigation measures when using more confined areas.
- Please use the hand sanitiser provided when entering the hall.
- Please wear a face covering unless an exemption applies while moving around the building. Once seated face coverings can be removed.
- A record will be kept of the date and time of the meeting, and you will be asked to give your name and contact telephone number to support track and trace.
- Toilet use will be limited to Disabled Toilet use only.
- All surfaces (including tables, wash hand basins, door handles, toilet handles & seats) must be cleaned after use.
IMPORTANT – DO NOT ATTEND if you or anyone in your household has had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 48 hours. If they develop symptoms within 10 days of visiting the premises, they MUST seek a COVID-19 test and notify the Parish Council if it is positive.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the clerk on