Great Wilbraham Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting (APM) 22nd April 2021 (Video Conference)

To all electors of Great Wilbraham, you are invited to take part in the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 22nd April 2021 at 7.30pm.  The meeting this year will be held virtually.  The meeting link will be published nearer the date.

Please come along to hear about the Parish Council’s activities over the last year and hear from community groups in the village. If you would like your organisation to be represented, please contact the Clerk.

If there are any matters which groups or individuals wish to be raised for consideration by the Parish Council these should be received, in writing, no later than Friday, 16th April 2021.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 6562 2980
Passcode: 243513

Meeting Details

Date: 20210422