Meet your MP 2nd August

MP @ Lt W with audienceINVITATION TO MEET



6.30 pm

 Lucy is pleased to have met many constituents and councillors during visits to villages in the constituency since she was elected in May last year. In the 2015 summer recess she held open meetings in approximately half of the villages in the constituency through the parish councils – it was a great way of hearing about the issues people cared about locally. This summer Lucy plans to hold more open meetings and she looks forward to meeting many more of you and hearing about what matters to you.

Great Wilbraham Parish Council have kindly invited Lucy to visit on Tuesday 2nd August 2016, so she will be in the Memorial Hall, Great Wilbraham from 6.30 – 7.30pm.

Lucy hopes you will come along to discuss any concerns or matters you may have with her, or just to say hello.