March market raises £500 for hall funds!

Villagers making their selections and catching up with friends at the Farmers' Market, Great WilbrahamWell, after a cold, rainy and snowy week, we had a lovely sunny morning yesterday – but due to the soggy ground, we pulled most of the market inside the hall. Stalls filled the entrance hall and the meeting room, and it seemed to work well for everyone. Thanks to everyone involved – the volunteers, the community bakers and those who come and shop – we raised £499.99 for Memorial Hall funds – let’s call that £500! Half of that is from the village produce stall. This event helps keep our hall heated and looking spruce, so a benefit to us all.

The next market is on Easter Saturday – April 8th – see you there.Image of pottery and meat stalls in the Memorial Hall

Emma Adams – Chair, Wilbrahams’ Memorial Hall Trustees