Last Saturday’s Farmers’ Market

A huge thanks to everyone who braved the freezing temperatures yesterday, stallholders and shoppers alike. It is great to finish the year on a high. The market (including the produce stall) raised £677.26 for hall funds! Thanks also to everyone who bought along their fantastic festive bakes to the stall, and to Paul Lambton and Sandra Flores for all their help on the day. The market is now going to rest ‘til Spring 2023.

Image of Fairisle creations
Jacki Grant’s Fairisle Knits

Also, Jacki Grant of Gt Wilbraham would like to say thanks to everyone who bought from her amazing Fairisle knitting stall. She raised £544 for which is a food bank charity. She sold her exquisite knits for the cost of the wool and has donated all the proceeds to the charity. This is wonderful, I can’t imagine how many hours went in to making each thing. If you want to add to her donation, please click on the link.

Emma Adams, Chair of Wilbrahams’ Memorial Hall