” Know Your Neighbour “

Something new to cheer us up in these challenging times.  We would like to introduce a series of online evening talks given by some of your neighbours.

Over the next few months residents will tells us something about a topic related to their “day job” or is a personal, passionate interest.

You will be surprised at the diversity and it’s a great way to get to know your fellow residents.

The online talks with Zoom will be on Tuesdays at 8.00 PM and last 20-25 minutes with time for questions at the end of the talk.

Grab a cuppa or something stronger and come and join us.

Click Here for dates and our list of speakers.

If you have any questions or if you would like to tells us something about your interests and you would like to join our series to present, then contact us at:

If you would like to see our past speakers then we have a YouTube Channel you can subscribe to


Organised by the Covid Support Group  – Little Wilbraham & Six Mile Bottom and Great Wilbraham