Just Desserts
80 villagers celebrated in style at the Just Desserts pudding evening on the 18th March. Everyone pitched in to make a fun and relaxed evening. Home bakers brought delicious hot and cold puddings to share, and the custard flowed freely. Comforting old favourites like Spotted Dick and Jam Roly Poly were side by side with sticky toffee, pavlovas, trifles, crumbles and roulades. A very local recipe from 1947, Mrs Townley’s Fulbourn Apple Pudding, was also revived for the event. Roger and Kathy Down’s perfectly paced and intriguing pudding related quiz entertained people while they gained strength to attack their next bowl full.
Fans of Ian Cumming on the Bake Off will not be surprised that the highlight of the evening was his latest engineering and culinary extravaganza, the World’s Longest Charlotte Russe. Carried by three strong men across the green from Ian’s kitchen, screwed tightly into its custom made mould, it thankfully arrived pristine and perfect. Known for combining engineering feats with fabulous fresh flavours, Ian created a truly delicious dessert that was worthy of a dozen Hollywood handshakes.
Earnest debates took place on each table to rank the top three favourite desserts, with Kathy Down’s magnificent Treacle Sponge carrying off the prize, proving that we must not underestimate our fine heritage of traditional puddings.
Jenny Upton ran a raffle which raised an impressive £300, with a top prize of a generously donated tea for two at Quy Mill. In all the event raised an impressive £940 which will be used to improve acoustics in the main hall.
The Hall Events Team would like to thank everyone involved for all their hard work in making this really enjoyable evening.”
More photos Chris Fell www.chrisfellphotos.com/justdesserts170318
and Martin Gienke
Or go to the Hall website http://hall.gtwilbraham.net/cambridge-news-coverage-of-just-desserts/