Jonah Spindel solo pieces – 22 December 2021
Jonah Spindel will be playing cello in St Nicholas’ Church on Wednesday 22nd December 2021 at 6:30pm

Some of you may not know Jonah Spindel, who was brought up in Great Wilbraham and has a great talent for music. Having attended the GW Primary School, Bottisham Village College and Hills Road Sixth Form College, Jonah was awarded a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music. Jonah’s main instrument is the cello and he is currently studying for a Masters’ Degree.
The acoustics are good in St Nicholas’ church and when visiting Great Wilbraham Jonah frequently practices there.
Jonah will be back in Great Wilbraham visiting his family for Christmas and has kindly agreed to perform some solo cello pieces in our church on the evening of Wednesday 22nd December starting at 6:30pm. The concert will last approximately 45 minutes. The concert is free and booking is not required; however, there will be a retiring collection in aid of Amnesty International and the St Nicholas’ Great Wilbraham Trust.
This is a social musical evening, only possible at this time of year due to the new heating system having recently been installed in the church. After the concert there will be seasonal drinks and nibbles available.
This event was previously arranged for earlier in the year but sadly had to be postponed due to Covid restrictions. We are delighted we can now enjoy Jonah’s wonderful cello playing.
Allan Painter
St Nicholas’ Great Wilbraham Trust