Hope for 2021 – COVID-19 Some Useful Information

It is a New Year and there is light on the horizon so let’s hope a better year for all. To those struggling with the mass of information out there on coronavirus (COVID -19) here are a few links that may be of use.

The Covid Support group has recently checked with South Cambs Council.  It seems that all vaccination roll-out is being coordinated centrally by the NHS.  People are being contacted according to their priority groups.  It is clear from experience in the villages that there is no clear pattern of who is being called first.  The advice at the moment is that you should wait to be called.  A useful link with details about priority groups and the vaccination programme is here:



The next link is specific information about the Oxford University/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine approved for use on the 30th December 2020 by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.



This link contains information about how to apply for vaccinator roles – this is not just for healthcare professionals but anyone.  It might be useful for people who want to volunteer.



The next link contains a list of the current vaccination centers.  Looks like it is kept up to date (29th December was latest update).  More for general information.



The last link is to a retired nurse teacher and A&E nurse, Dr John Campbell, who presents a daily summary on all aspects of coronavirus around the world on his YouTube Channel. Up to date, simple explanations of complex subjects and well worth a look as over 800,000 of our fellow citizens agree.



Dr John Campbell’s disclaimer

Disclaimer; These media including videos, book, e book, articles, podcasts are not peer-reviewed. They should never replace individual clinical judgement from your own health care provider. No media-based material on this channel is suitable for using as professional medical advice. All comments are also for educational purposes only and must never replace advice from your own health care provider.

Wilbrahams & Six Mile Bottom COVID-19 Support Group