Great Wilbraham Play Area Project Update

Great Wilbraham Play Area Project Update & User Survey ~ Please Read!

A small team of Memorial Hall Trustees and volunteers have been looking into replacing the equipment at Great Wilbraham Play Area. The wooden play structures are suffering from rot (some are over 30 years old) and are increasingly hard to maintain.

We have been consulting users (parents and children) at various events and groups through the year to come up with a plan that will excite and stimulate children through different ages. We are also planning to incorporate a basketball shooting area for older children and fixed exercise equipment for adults. We will incorporate safety surfaces under the grass.


This is a large project and we have been targeting our fundraising events at the Memorial Hall over the last year to raise money for the installation. Great Wilbraham Parish Council are also supporting the project.

To reach the total (~£87.000), we are also preparing applications for grants from various funders.


Please click on the link below to download the survey form


For the applications, we have designed a survey to assess how many people from the villages are using the Play Area and what they think about it. The survey has been sent to all families at the Primary School, First Steps Day Nursery & Weenie Warblers Toddler Group. If your family use the Play Area (with visiting Grandchildren, for example) and you haven’t received the survey through another route, we would be very grateful if you could fill in the attached form and return it to Great Wilbraham Post Office before FRIDAY 7th DECEMBER. We need as many responses as possible!

If you or your children would like to help with this project in any way – by holding a fund-raising event / sponsored challenge etc. that would be fantastic. If you would like to donate to the project fund, please contact the Memorial Hall Trustees through the website

Thanks for your support

Emma Adams

Wilbrahams’ Memorial Hall Trustees