Great Wilbraham Parish Councillor Vacancies

GWPC Vacancy Notice June 2019

Can you contribute to the life and development of Great Wilbraham? The position requires energy and dedication to local affairs. The Parish Council is the voice of the village concerning local government, the police and its views are sought on all issues affecting residents such as planning applications, tree applications and attention to the regular tasks of village maintenance.

Due to the resignation of two of it’s members the Parish Council has two vacancies.  The Council is keen to fill the vacancy as soon as possible and hope to do this using co-option. If you would like to learn more about the role please contact the Clerk, Natalie Mulvey,, or any other Councillor. To apply you will need to complete an application form and submit this along with a statement of why you wish to be a Parish Councillor and any relevant skills and interests you possess.

The Parish Council consists of seven members and main meetings are generally every two months, with a few additional meetings as needed. Free training is available.