Great Wilbraham Parish Council Elections (APM Postponed to May 26th 2022)

Elections will be held on 5 May 2022 for all seats on South Cambridgeshire District Council, and for all Parish and Town Councils in South Cambridgeshire (except for Longstanton and Willingham).

Great Wilbraham received more nominations than seats available and will therefore proceed to a contested election taking place alongside the district council elections on 5 May. Parish and Town council ballot papers will be printed on green paper. Electors in attendance at polling stations in these areas will receive two ballot papers. Postal voters will receive two separate postal vote packs. The parish council will be responsible for meeting the costs of the parish election.

You can view the Statement of Persons Nominated on the SCDC website:

Due to the election Great Wilbraham Parish Council has made some changes to their meeting dates.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be postponed from Thursday April 21st to Thursday May 26th to allow residents to give their views to the new Parish Council.

To support this, the first Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will now be held on Thursday 12th May.

If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk via