Games Court Now Open!

At last we are pleased to announce that the Multi Use Games Court in Little Wilbraham is now open for use.  Although we have had a few little hiccups along the way and the evenings are getting shorter, you could still squeeze in a few games after work.  If you have the luxury of not having to work then the court is available to book from 8am to 8pm.

Remember this is a multi use games court so it can be used for tennis, netball and it has a basketball hoop at one end.

Due to some bad luck the company has not been able to paint the tarmac surface this autumn but the temporary line markings for the sports are there and we will have the court fully painted in the spring.

The official opening of the court will coincide with the Little Wilbraham “Feast” in June next year so keep this in mind as it will be great fun and a special occasion.

More information about the location of the court and Terms of Use can be found on the court web page using the link below.

Book the Court Here

Using the Court

  • Residents of Little Wilbraham, Great Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom can use this facility which is located on the Ken Davison Recreation Reserve in Little Wilbraham.
  • Other members of the public can also use the court if it has NOT been booked by a resident of these villages.
  • Use of the court is free.
  • You do not need a key.


All users of the court should use the online booking system – a booking will always take precedence over casual use and there are signs to help you book the court on the recreation ground.

  • The court can be booked from 8am to 8pm (there are no lights).
  • Check the online calendar first to see availability.
  • You can book a ONE hour session.
  • You need a separate booking for each hour.
  • You can only book a maximum of TWO sequential one hour sessions on any given day.
  • You can book upto two weeks ahead.
  • If there is a “no show” then please feel free to use the court (check the Calendar first).
  • You can manage your own booking – Cancel or Reschedule is on the confirmation email you will receive when you book.
  • The Parish Council reserves the right to cancel any booking at any time – the user will be informed by email.


For any questions on using this facility please contact the Parish Clerk.


Little Wilbraham & Six Mile Bottom Parish Council