Fulbourn Forum documentary film premiere

Poster for the film. Sun shining through trees reflected in a stream with Fugolburna text over in white and text in black on white background below.
Click on the image to download the poster

Fugolburna, the Anglo-Saxon name for Fulbourn, is a documentary film produced by Fulbourn Forum which is a call to protect and restore the area’s iconic chalk streams currently in crisis. It celebrates the beautiful Fulbourn Fen Nature Reserve and beyond, and shows the efforts made by the local community and environmental groups to support nature recovery, and to maintain and improve the health of local ecosystems.

Friday 10 May 2024

Townley Hall, Fulbourn Centre, Home End, Fulbourn, CB21 5BS

Film commences at 8.15pm

The film will be followed by a short Q&A discussion

Doors open at 7.15pm before the 7.30pm short AGM

You are welcome to attend the film only. Free entry. Numbers limited. Please register for film at

Or via: fulbournforum@gmail.com / www.fulbournforum.org.uk / or QR Code (On poster)