Fulbourn Design Statement

This came to me, Martin Gienke, and as the village design statement for the Wilbrahams was discussed at the recent Great Wilbraham Annual Parish Meeting I thought you would like to know what Fulbourn is doing.

Please find below details of the Fulbourn Village Design Guide (previously known as Village Design Statement) Consultation Exhibition happening this Thursday:
Fulbourn Village Design Guide Consultation Exhibition
Drop-in exhibition, Thursday 25 April, 3.30 to 8.00pm in the Swifts Meeting Room, Haggis Gap.
South Cambridgeshire District Council are consulting on the draft Fulbourn Village Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document. 
The Village Design Guide has been developed with the input of many members of the village community, including Fulbourn Forum, as part of a ground-breaking initiative by South Cambs District Council. It explains what makes Fulbourn special, and how any new development and improvements in and around the village should reinforce and enhance the character of the village. South Cambs want your comments on the draft proposals. After the consultation period, all comments will be assessed and some may then be incorporated into the final document.
The consultation runs from 15 April to 31 May 2019. For more information and to see the draft Design Guide in full, please visit www.scambs.gov.uk/villagedesign, where you can also have your say.
Best wishes,
David Cottee
on behalf of Fulbourn Forum for community action
01223 880616 / 07743 7743 30