Fulbourn Arts What’s on?

Fulbourn Arts What’s On

Fulbourn Windmill Open Days

Saturday 7 April from 10.00am

Saturday 12 May from 10.00am – National Mills Day

Thereafter, the first Saturday of each month throughout the year

Please note: because of limited space and difficult access, please come on foot or cycle, leaving your car in the village.

The Fulbourn Windmill Society has provided the following update on the preservation work which continues on the Mill:

“As many of you will have noticed, we have now completed the refurbishment of the Mill’s four sails and fantail. With the wind in the right direction we are now able to take the brake off and let the sails turn of their own accord – a majestic sight and well worth looking out for. Our immediate priority is now the rebuilding of the gallery around the outside of the top of the Mill. It all looks a bit skeletal at the moment, but once complete the gallery will provide a superb viewing platform with great views over the village, the Gogs and over to Ely Cathedral on the northern horizon.

But, as part of the recent refurbishment, one of our goals had been to allow the Mill cap to turn to wind of its own accord. Sadly, this has not proved to be possible. Despite the great work that has been done my many people to refurbish the Mill over recent years it has become apparent that the curb on which the cap sits is not in a good enough condition to allow the cap to turn freely and, more worryingly, that the basic structure of the Mill is not strong enough to support the stresses of a turning cap.

However, on a positive note, at a recent meeting of supporters of the Mill, we believe we have found a practical way forward to remedy these issues which will also help secure the longer term future of the Mill. It would be wonderful to see the sails and cap freely turning again and, who knows, maybe even one day to be milling flour again. But to achieve these goals will need a lot more work and funding. So in the coming weeks and months we will be looking for help and support from anyone willing and able to help us in any way possible.

In the meantime, you can help support us by visiting us on one of our Open Days, or look out for us at the Fulbourn Feast. Our next Open Days are on Saturday April 7 and Saturday 12 May (National Mills Day). Thereafter we plan to be open on the first Saturday of each month. Do please feel free to come along and see how this important local landmark is being preserved.

If you are able to offer any help in anyway, even if its only a few hours to wield a paintbrush!, please contact Ian Harrison on 01223 880649 or email harrisons@oneservice.co.uk . You can also find us on Facebook or through our website www.fulbournmill.org.uk ”
Fulbourn Forum AGM and Talk

Cambs. Nature Reserves: Living Landscapes and other projects

Talk by Iain Webb, Wildlife Trust for Cambs, Beds and Northants

Friday 20 April in the Townley Hall, Fulbourn Centre. Doors open at 7.15pm. Free.

The talk will commence at 7.30pm (1 hour max.), followed by the AGM at around 8.45pm after an interlude for refreshments. All welcome.

Iain is the Community Conservation Officer with our local Wildlife Trust. Living Landscapes is a recovery plan for nature championed by the Wildlife Trusts since 2006. It is a new way of thinking about how to manage land to do more for wildlife, people and the economy. The aim is to create ‘joined up’ landscapes that are more valuable for wildlife by connecting reserves together. This includes projects such as the Great Fen, Cambridgeshire Chalk, and the Ouse Valley. The talk will conclude back at Fulbourn Fen and Fleam Dyke.

Recent research in Europe and the UK has shown a huge fall in both farmland birds and flying insects, including pollinators – we lose this biodiversity at our peril. The use of pesticides such as neonicotinoids are under intense scrutiny, which is very relevant to our local landscapes. The work of organizations such as the Wildlife Trusts is ever more important, so we hope that you can join us to support their valuable work.

We will also be showing the short film (around 5 minutes) produced by the RSPB of the Fulbourn swift colony, both outside and inside the nests.

A small donation towards the hall hire will be much appreciated.

Friends of the Roman Road and Fleam Dyke

AGM and Talk by Prof. Bill Sutherland: Conservation in a post truth world?

Wednesday 2 May, 7.30pm, in the Meeting Room at the Fulbourn Centre, Home End.

Professor Sutherland’s research is directed towards predicting the consequences of environmental change. He is the Miriam Rothschild Professor of Conservation Biology at the University of Cambridge. The Friends will also provide a useful update on the environmental health of the Roman Road and Fleam Dyke.

All Welcome. Members free; non-members £3.

Fulbourn Contingent to join

Camcycle’s Reach Ride to Reach Fair

Bank Holiday Monday 7 May 2018 – joining the ride at the Newmarket Road Park&Ride site.

For more information on the ride visit: https://www.camcycle.org.uk/events/rides/

We will leave Fulbourn at 10.00am latest from the Teversham Road/Hinton Road junction, opposite the Baker’s Arms, to join up with the cyclists from Cambridge at the Newmarket Road P&R site. The ride returns at 2.00pm from Reach. Six people from Fulbourn undertook the ride for the first time last year – can we double that number this year?

The ride is 14 miles each way, is just for fun at a leisurely pace, and is on cycle paths and quiet roads; there is no charge and no sponsorship involved. The ride should take less than 2 hours.

Last year around 800 cyclists from Cambridge, Ely and local villages descended on the Reach Fair. The ride has marshalls along the route who can help with any simple bike problems.

If you are interested, please make a note in your diary and let Fulbourn Forum know that you are planning to attend so that we can inform you of any change in the meet up times.

Cambridge Local Group of the Wildlife Trust

Guided Walk at Fulbourn Fen Nature Reserve by Christine Newell

Wednesday 16 May at 7.00pm.

Full details, including where to assemble, will be sent nearer the time.

And finally a date for your diary:

Fulbourn Community Market

Saturday 9 June 2018, 2.30 to 5.00pm in the Townley Hall at the Fulbourn Centre

Further details to follow nearer the time.

Best wishes,

David Cottee

on behalf of Fulbourn Forum for community action

01223 880616 / www.fulbournforum.org.uk