from our MP

From Lucy Fraser MP

The ongoing Coronavirus outbreak is the biggest public health emergency in a generation. I hope that you are keeping well at this difficult time.

This email provides an update on local services in the South East Cambridgeshire area, useful links, contacts and links to updates on my website.

If you have an urgent query that I can help with please email me on

Cambridgeshire Council

Cambridgeshire Council has a designated page detailing the ways in which Covid-19 may result in changes to local services. Please click here for more information.

East Cambridgeshire District Council

East Cambridgeshire District Council has established a support hub and will manage requests for assistance to ensure the most vulnerable members of the community can access help as soon as they need it.

Volunteers and support groups who come forward will be linked with over 70s and others identified as vulnerable, to assist the most at-risk groups during the outbreak.

The hub will also focus on signposting access to food, medicines and other supplies, as well as organising friendly phone calls to anyone feeling lonely.

The council will also liaise with other voluntary and community partner organisations to ensure other needs, including health and social care, are met as quickly as possible.

Anyone who needs help can contact the co-ordination hub by emailing or calling 01353 665555.

The call centre is open between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

South Cambridgeshire District Council 

South Cambridgeshire District Council has a designated page and a customer portal to view your personal account information and to update them on your circumstances. Further information can be found here. 

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Co-ordination Hub

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Co-ordination Hub is co-ordinating efforts to support local residents who are in need of assistance. They are currently requesting volunteers. The hub will have a specific focus on providing access to food, medicines and other supplies in the first instance. As well as co-ordinate the need to make sure there is adequate staff and resource capacity to serve a significant increased level of demand in critical service areas, such as the NHS and social care. To find out more information, please e-mail to sign up, or visit this page for more information.

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority is regularly disseminating local information on its Twitter feed. In addition, it is also sending regular updates to local businesses, which you can sign up for here.

My website

My website will be updated every day with the latest Government news and advice on Coronavirus, with links for:

  • Health advice
  • Social distancing
  • Help for employers, employees and the self-employed
  • Energy costs
  • Help for those who rent a property or let a property
  • School closures
  • Travel advice
  • Local support

You can view the dedicated page here. 

If I can help please contact me by emailing me on

You can also keep up with my work by following me on Facebook, Twitter or visiting my website-

Best wishes,

Lucy Frazer MP
MP for South East Cambridgeshire