From Bottisham Medical Practice

Unfortunately the surgery is seeing panic buying for medication – patients ordering everything on their repeats regardless of whether they need it and adhoc items which are not necessary. Staffing shortages and unnecessary requests mean it is taking a lot longer to turn around requests. Please observe the following guidelines: – Only order what you need. – Do not put your repeat prescription in early. – Where you can, order online which can be setup via reception. – Don’t go the surgery any earlier than 72hrs after requesting your prescription. – Collect for friends and neighbours to reduce the queue. – Do not phone through requests. The dispensary cannot provide paracetamol unless it is on your repeat medication. All the staff are working under immense pressure. If everyone follows the above it will help in trying to maintain the service. Finally, please be kind to the staff, they are working really hard to try and help you. Thank you all for all the offers of help and support, we are extremely grateful.