Extra: Frog End verges regularly soiled by dogs

This letter was received yesterday from a resident :

I regularly witness dog walkers allowing their dogs to foul the green verges in Frog End and then walking away from it leaving the mess behind. Mostly I have to say this is the older generation that do this, but it’s just not fair on residents who have houses that lead onto these verges and indeed have small children or grandchildren that may be playing in that area. I am highlighting the issue and asking dog walkers in the village to clear up their dog’s mess and not just leave it for someone to step in. I’m sure it’s against the law anyway.

Regards, Peter

This reply was received from PC Councillor Joy Bray: ‘Thanks very much for this Peter. Dog fouling is an issue which continually concerns the Parish Council. We discussed this at our last meeting and it is on the agenda for our next meeting where we hope to follow up some ideas/actions we may be able to implement. Best wishes Joy Bray’.

and today from another resident:

“Please can I echo what the contributor from Frog End had to say on the matter of dog’s mess – it is particularly bad here in Toft Way, which is regularly used by dog walkers. Their owners need to be encouraged to take bags out with them to keep this pretty little lane the way it should be”.