Excellent turnout for Alzheimer’s presentation.

Another great evening hosted by The Wellbrahams-your village mental health group.
Last night Dr Katy Stubbs from Alzheimer’s Research UK gave a fascinating presentation. She discussed different types of dementia and gave us a short, easily understandable lesson in areas of the brain and their differing functions. She showed slides demonstrating the effects of dementia on the structure of the brain and individual neurones,(plaques and tangles), also changes in the way messages are transferred between neurones. We can’t all claim to be neuroscientists now, but certainly we understand more:for example, why short-term memory is affected-revision for those who attended-yes, it’s the part of the brain called the hippocampus.
Katy enthusiastically described the amazing work ARUK is doing locally, nationally and globally to understand more about dementia and, critically, to develop new treatments. This gave real hope of progress.
This wasn’t billed as a fundraiser but if anyone wants to donate to ARUK that would be very welcome, Katy was free! Lastly, she mentioned that anyone of any age can help with dementia research by signing up to participate at
Join Dementia Research website or phone 03001115111 for information.
Following this was a short presentation on practical ways to help a person living with dementia and their carers. This is a huge topic and we couldn’t really do it justice in a short time. AND SO… several group members have worked hard and produced a very helpful list of practical tips to help someone living with dementia and carers. Also, a great resource-a list of books and websites to help understand dementia and hear about how other people have coped and are coping with this illness. Please find these on THE WELLBRAHAMS WEBSITE www.thewell-brahams.weebly.com
Well-brahams website
Thanks to everyone who supports our events we had a great turn out last night and it was lovely to see everyone and have a chat.
Please keep looking at the village website to see all other Wellbrahams events, a walk on 13th May; painting in Helen’s garden 16th June (please sign up); garden party at Reed Cottage 8th July. The next talk is on nutrition and mental health in September.