Easy Chair Exercises on the web from Juliette

Juliette Bayshaw, our local osteopath and organiser for yoga and mindful movement classes, has put these activities on hold for the moment because of coronavirus.  However, she does offer some gentle chair exercises.

You may like to take a look at the seated exercise video I have on my website:
https://www.juliettebaysham.co.uk/Classes  You’ll have to register to view it ( and scroll down to the bottom of the page to find it)

Also she says about her osteopathy business: According to the Institute of Osteopathy, Essential Health does qualify as medical services hence me continuing to practice albeit within strict safety guidelines. However, this evening, after consultations with the government agencies, they are recommending that we offer a phone or video conference consultation with patients to offer self-management advice and reassurance in all but urgent cases.