Easter activities

Children’s Easter Craft Afternoons are being held in ‘Twelve’ the shop and offices serving the four Parishes of Great and the Little Wilbraham, Six Mile Bottom and Fulbourn. It is situated in the High Street, next-door to Beaumont’s the Butchers. If interested, please call in, or ring Susie, the Parish Assistant, to sign up for Monday 10th April and/or Wednesday 12th April. Sessions run from 2:00 to 3:30.
On Easter Sunday, the 9:30 am Family Eucharist at the Church of St Nicholas, Great Wilbraham, will include an Egg Hunt for children.
On Easter Saturday, a Children’s Easter Garden Service will also be held at St Nicholas’ at 2:00pm.
Information about all services can be found by calling in at ‘Twelve’ or visiting the website

Jacqueline Beadsmoore
31 Temple End
Great Wilbraham
CB21 5JF
Tel: 01223 880 889
Mob: 07906 562928