Dog Fouling: Pick it up, bag it up, bin it!

Please do not let your dog do this on the recreation ground!

If your dog has to ‘go’, pick up your dog’s mess using a plastic bag, and put the poo in the designated bins

Coming into contact with dog poo is a serious health hazard, as well as being a disgusting experience.

Do not let your dog enter the children’s play area. Close the gate if you are using the swings and play equipment.

If you see someone allowing their dog to foul the area, please point out the signs and the dog poo bins to them.

The Dog Warden may be contacted – 0845 045 00 63

The same rules apply to local footpaths- nobody likes to walk down ‘dog poo alley’. There are conveniently sited bins for poo disposal throughout the village.

Pick it up, bag it up, bin it!

Thank you