Does anyone know these cats

My wife Meg & I have been feeding these 2 cats since early January 2017: we believe them to be either strays or perhaps feral.

We’ve attempted to win their confidence without resorting to trapping; hoping to take both to Dick White Referrals to have them scanned for possible identification.

We’ve asked around Six Mile Bottom, registered with both Newmarket & Cambridge Lost Pets and posted pictures at various points in SMB and thus far with no response.

The tortoiseshell will of course be a female and inevitably, being a good looking gal, will succumb to the advances of all the un-neutered Tomcats and the problem will then escalate.

We’d like to determine whether they’re cherished pets that enjoy additional feeding from us, or that they are in fact strays perhaps requiring neutering/spaying by the RSPCA

Bob & Meg Windsor

01638 570312

07885 836152