Dedication of the New Plaque

The service, to dedicate the new plaque in the Wilbrahams’ Memorial Hall to the soldiers of WW1 from Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom, was simple, dignified and moving. Tributes about family members whose names appear on the plaque were given by Ray Tilbrook and Duncan Wells. These contributions certainly made the dedication more poignant, as did the reading out of all the names of the men who served. This list, in some cases, included two or three members of the same family caught up in the conflict. It was sobering to realise the impact that such a loss of life must have had on the villages, and the sadness that must have ensued.

The villages are indebted to John Bramwell for all the work he put into researching the names that should be included on the plaque and into the design of the plaque itself.  It is a lovely tribute

As the plaque is not in the main hall itself, but in the entrance hall,  Vicar Alice invited those under 7 years of age, and others who wanted to, to accompany her for the unveiling of the plaque. The rest of us listened to the Community choir who sang music composed by Gill Humphrey.

A Wilbrahams’ teatime spread of delicious and tempting cakes was available after the dedication .