Crime Prevention Talk

Do you have your ‘card defender’?  Are you interested in joining Neighbourhood Watch?

Chief Inspector, James Sutherland who is Area Commander South Cambridgeshire, spoke about crime prevention in the Wilbrahams at the Wilbrahams’ Memorial Hall on Wednesday 11th January.  25 residents learned about the latest measures they can take to discourage thieves.

He said overall it’s important that residents don’t make it attractive and easy for the burglars.  Show that property is occupied.  Leave lights on and even radios.  Limit access to the back garden.  Sheds are much easier to break into. Cover windows so they can’t see what’s there for the taking.  Hinges on doors can be easily be taken off unless you use ‘security screws’. You can register your household items at

Vehicle thefts are going down, but theft of things from inside cars is going up. Lock the car and don’t leave any valuables visible to tempt thieves.

Cyber crime requires a special strategy of questioning and being sceptical about items which arrive on your computer. Take 30 seconds to telephone your bank etc. to check on any requests for information before doing anything.

A Neighbourhood Watch group is being set up in the Wilbrahams.  Contact Tony Ryan  (tel 880593  or email if you’re interested in joining or helping.

Your contactless cards can be read and accessed by a thief merely standing close by.  A foil case for credit cards called a ‘card defender’ can prevent this. They were handed out at the talk, but you can get your own via Amazon.

Have you taken the Bad Wolf Test to check good your home security is?  Well worth a few minutes. See page 47 of your Winter 2016 Warbler for more information.

Chief Inspector Sutherland said no one action is going to secure your home and possessions, but creating layers of security will discourage would be thieves.