Procedure, Governance and Policies

Great Wilbraham Procedure, Governance and Policies

Great Wilbraham Parish Council meets monthly on the third Thursday at 7.30pm in the Wilbraham Memorial Hall.  Each meeting has a dedicated open forum for members of the public to address the Council, members of the press are also invited to attend.  

Among other items Councillors discuss planning applications, ongoing activity within the Parish, including items brought to the attention of the Parish Council by members of the Public. District and County Councillors attend and provide informative reports for the Council.

Below are the adopted policies and procedures.  If you would like to discuss these documents please contact Sam Chambers-Turner at 


Standing Orders: GWPC Standing Orders 2022
Financial Regulations GWPC Financial Regulations 2022
Code of Conduct: GWPC Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2022


Model Publication Scheme GWPC Model Publication Scheme 2022
Privacy Notice GWPC Privacy Notice 2018
Training Policy GWPC_Training & Development Policy 2021
GDPR GWPC Document Retention and Disposal Policy 2018
Grant Awarding Policy GWPC Grants Awarding Policy 2020
Complaints Procedure GWPC Complaints Procedure 2022
Health & Safety Policy GWPC_Health_and_Safety_policy_2024
Grant Awarding Policy GWPC_Grant_Awarding_Policy_2024