Common Rights holders acknowledge the work of Desmond Hawkins

Plaque in memory of Desmond Hawkins

We would like to acknowledge Desmond Hawkins’ work in researching the history of the Little Wilbraham common and establishing an ownership committee to undertake its maintenance.  The committee decided to erect a plaque to commemorate his work.
The inscription on the plaque reads:
“Little Wilbraham Common Land
In recognition of the commitment of Dr Desmond Hawkins, who registered the Common Land in 1965 and established the Little Wilbraham Common Right Holders Committee to ensure the long-term future of the land.  Desmond was Chairman of the LWCRHC from 1982 to 2009 and continued to be actively involved in the management of the land until his death in January 2015.”
If you wish to see the plaque for yourselves, please take the lane towards Frog End Farm, turn right onto Short Drove.  About half a mile down the Drove bridleway you will see the entrance to the Common on your left.  The plaque will be attached to the gate post.
Little Wilbraham Common Right Holders.