Cambridgeshire’s Active Travel Strategy

November 2022 

Here we go again!  All we seem to hear about is Consultations by our County Council and by the Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership – but they are important! 

Cambridgeshire’s Active Travel Strategy” – Your and our comments on the last Consultation on Cycling have had an effect – we are at last on the Map!!  We urge you to respond to this Consultation – please act promptly!  Type the bold print phrase into your search engine to find the County Council’s page. Scroll down to and click on the word Consultation in blue print: to read some of the draft Strategy (it goes on and on!) you can look at it with another click on the right-hand side of the first page and then page 55 shows the area around the Wilbrahams.  To respond go back to the opening page of the Consultation and scroll down.

You have probably already heard about it as it has been running for some weeks – the Deadline for comments is Monday 7 November.

The draft Strategy aims inter alia to increase use of public transport and to make it easier to get around by bike or on foot.  We at WEG know that responses do have an effect – the Council has told us that so many of us in the Wilbrahams responded to the last Consultation that the Draft Strategy now has THREE possible cycle routes marked by orange lines on its Plan for expansion of the cycle network – to Fulbourn, to Bottisham and across the fen to Newmarket Road. One of them is wrongly marked on the Plan but the Council has already acknowledged to WEG the mistake which will be corrected. 

Please keep up the pressure from the Wilbrahams for safe cycling routes