Bottisham Medical Practice – prescription arrangements

New arrangements have been put in place to reduce to an absolute minimum the numbers of people picking up medicines from the surgery premises. All prescription medicines will now be delivered to Great and Little Wilbraham.


Order online as far as possible

For repeat prescriptions allow 5 days for the prescription to be ready


For all prescriptions, a message will be sent to the patient to say the prescription is ready for delivery. The practice will phone the patient to arrange payment.


For all patients who are shielding (Great and Little Wilbraham):

The medicines will be picked up by a lead prescription volunteer for each village at 2 pm each day and delivered to the patient’s home.

For all other patients:

In Great Wilbraham there are two options:

  • Delivery to the Post Office Patients for patients who have previously used this service. For patients who are self isolating they should ask a relative or friend to pick up from the Post Office on their behalf. If this is not possible a request should be made to the volunteer service.


  • The medicines will be picked up by a daily volunteer who will deliver it to the patient’s home

Please check with the surgery which arrangement will be made.

For acute (on the day) prescriptions the patient should telephone the lead prescription volunteer, Chris Goodchild (07471 095452), or their Local Contact (on the leaflet posted through their door and on the village website).

In Little Wilbraham

  • All repeat prescription medicines will be picked up by a daily volunteer who will deliver it to the patient’s home

For acute (on the day) prescriptions the patient should phone the lead prescription volunteer Richard Davies (07545 221669) to make arrangements or their Local Contact (on the leaflet posted through their door and on the village website).

Lead and backups for lead prescription volunteers are:

Little Wilbraham Richard Davies (Lead) 07545 221669
Rebecca Lomas (Backup) 07718 899471
Kathy Stringer (Backup 07904 943286
Great Wilbraham Chris Goodchild (lead) 07471 095452
Aga Hextall 07886946022
Julia A’Court 07789512428

If you have any questions please get in touch.

Many thanks

Hilary and Andrew