Adolescent Mental Health

 On 16th June at 7pm there will be a presentation and discussion in the Wilbraham’s Memorial Hall meeting room. This will be about mental health during adolescence – promoting good mental health and also recognising when problems may be emerging. Available professional help will also be discussed. 

The speaker is Brenden Reid a qualified mental health nurse and school nurse, also is a specialist in the care of adolescence. Some people may remember him from when he and his family lived in the village he is also the current chair of the school governors.

The event is free and open to young people, parents, grandparents and anyone who has an interest in promoting the mental health of  young people in the village.

This event has been organised by the Mental Health First Aid group in the village as adolescent mental health issues are a recognised national problem.

More details will be posted in the village nearer the event.

Any queries please contact