A Fireworks Night With a Bang

The inaugural Wilbrahams fireworks celebration on the 5th November was a special evening. From the really positive feedback we received we will be back in 2024 so put the event in your calendar now. On a perfect night over 1600 fireworks were successfully launched by Dave H. which made for a spectacular show.

From planning to execution an event like this takes a lot of work so a huge thank you to all those volunteers who gave up their time to help, you know who you are.

A big thanks to our sponsors, particularly the Little Wilbraham Commons Rights Holders the Hole in the Wall and those generous individuals who sponsored a firework.

Based on experience from this event, we will make a few changes for 2024 including increasing the number of tickets from 250.  We have an event licence for 499.  Fixing the day to a Saturday has been suggested so the kids get time to recover on Sunday.  There will also be more time for our visitors to purchase refreshments and maybe even a bike rack!

Finally thank you for supporting our local village event, we hope you had fun.

Any suggestions or offers of help for 2024 would be really welcome.

Our next village event is “The Feast“,  June 2024.


Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom Parish Council

Photos kindly supplied by Chris Fell and Max Ketenacker.

© Chris Fell
© Max Ketenacker
© Max Ketenacker
© Max Ketenacker