A Brilliant “Bulb Bombing” Saturday
How does : Three villages : 4500 bulbs : 29 volunteers : a few hours sound?
A very successful day on Saturday. You never know how these events will turn out, but in the end Saturday must be considered a winner.
Organised by the Little Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom Volunteer group, the Well-brahams and the Wilbrahams Environment Group this was our first co-ordinated event and all we can say is a big thank you to those residents who turned up on the day or supported us by donating bulbs or preparing the delicious snacks and drinks. You know who you are!
4500 bulbs is a big number and when divided by our volunteers works out to be 155 per person, thats a lot of digging.
Areas Planted:
Six Mile Bottom – either side of the gates on the south side of the village, the area around the old station, the strip near the SPAR shop and the verge along the cricket pitch.
Great Wilbraham – round the rec, by the play area near the new the flower bed, opposite the school, the edge of the wooded area where Temple and Angle End meet and Frog End and there could have been more but the bulbs ran out.
Little Wilbraham – the two triangles on Rectory Farm Road, the verges outside the Hole in the Wall entrance, the verge in front of the Alms Houses the area around the bus stop seat in the High Street, the verge on Church Green and some of the areas around the trees and the bank on Primrose Farm Road.
Keep an eye out for emerging plants in the spring and with any luck significant colour will be added to the three villages. Based on the success of this co-ordinated event we hope this becomes a regular occurrence.
Thanks again to all those volunteers who helped out on the day it is appreciated.
Little Wilbraham & Six Mile Bottom Volunteer Group
Wilbraham Environment Group
Some Memories