A Big Thank You

Now that the Know Your Neighbour – Series III talks are over we would just like to thank all those speakers who entertained us, enlightened us and made us aware of the talented and interesting neighbours we have in the Wilbrahams’ and Six Mile Bottom.

We would also like to thank all our viewers who joined our Zoom sessions and contributed with their challenging questions.  Over the five talks we have had over 150 viewers which is a fantastic response.

If you missed a talk or would like to see the range of talks from the three series then visit the Know Your Neighbour YouTube Channel

We are still looking at the possibility of another series in February 2023 so if you would like to talk about your favourite subject historical or otherwise, then just send an email to either:

Andrew Carter or Alan Cody

Organised by the Well-brahams  and supported by the Little Wilbraham & Six Mile Bottom Parish Council