2020 Piece-of-Cake Virtual Marathon 

The Great Wilbraham Primary School PTFA is pleased to announce the 2020 Piece-of-Cake Virtual Marathon whereby you ‘run, walk, skip, hop’ the distance of a marathon in 42 days. All the details, including how to sign up, are on this website:


Should you encounter any technical difficulties accessing the webpage then please use http://darogan.co.uk/Running/PieceOfCakeRace/

The race is for both adults and children and should be a fun and healthy thing to do over the summer holidays. Some suggested routes around the Wilbrahams are also attached to this email.

The marathon will go some way to raising funds to help the school update its IT equipment.

Please do help the school by signing up, encouraging your friends to do the same and, if possible, by sharing the link through social media channels!

With many thanks,

Lotta Holn

See the poster Piece of Cake Virtual Marathon INFO red


For suggested routes click here.Prepared-routes-Wilbrahams